Panacea and panvacunas.

Investigators are looking for a universal coronavirus vaccine.

Agustín Muñoz-Sanz
4 min readMar 20, 2021

In Greek mythology, Panacea is a minor goddess of health. She was Asclepius’ daughter (the Roman Aesculapius) and Epione (God Helios’s daughter). And the sister of Hygeia, the goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene. An illustrious medical family.

“Panacea helping the sick”, by J. Gazola (1716). Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Panacea is a Greek voice (Πανάκεια/panákeia, in Latin panacēa). It means the capacity to cure various diseases — a remedy for any ailment. Ancient alchemists and healers sought to cure all diseases. They were looking for a therapeutic panacea.

In the preventive field, this attitude also inspires many of today’s researchers. Investigators look for a universal vaccine against many species of microbes like viruses. The goal is to find a universal coronavirus vaccine.

In Spanish, the neologism panvacuna means universal vaccine. The prefix Pan- is a Greek word (παν) meaning all or whole (i.e., Pan-American, pantheism, pandemic).

In Spanish, the neologism panvacuna means universal vaccine.

Pandemic coronavirus has



Agustín Muñoz-Sanz

Medical Doctor (Infectious Diseases specialist/Professor of Medicine) and writer (narrative, theater).